Abraham Lincoln once said that nothing is more powerful than gentleness. The earth is 70% water and our bodies are made upwards of 70% water. The universal power of water can be a great metaphor in our lives.
Just like a soft rain nourishes everything, the grass, the flowers, the crops, and the trees. A torential downpour can wash away those same trees, flowers, and crops. The important thing is how the power is harnessed. When water is used properly it gives life nourishment and strength. We can harness this same power by practicing kindness, supportiveness, and gentleness. Turn off the critics and silence the noise. Let the peace of water wash over you.
A simple drip of water can create rivers over time. And so it is with us. We can create rivers of happiness and abundance by adopting the principle of water. Be soft, easy, and gentle with yourself, friends, and loved ones. Everyone you come in contact with. Let the spirit of water rush over you and fill your bucket.
With Love,
Tom Kaufmann
Coach K
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