Saturday, December 21, 2013

Phil Robertson and Duck Dynasty

Duck Dynasty is the most popular cable show on the A&E cable network.  The rags to riches story of a "redneck" family depicts the men as long bearded duck hunters that love the woods and outdoors.

Phil Robertson started building duck calls by hand and selling them to Walmart just when the company only had a few stores in the south.  Phil was a starting quarterback for Louisiana Tech where Terry Bradshaw, of Pittsburgh Steeler fame, was his backup.

Phil had an opportunity to play in the NFL but decided to forgo football to begin his life as an outdoorsman.  Phil married Miss Kay at a young age and went on to have four sons. Phil is such an avid duck hunter that he actually missed the birth of his son Jase.  Funny how Jase now shares his father's same love of duck hunting.

Phil like many of us had his personal struggles.  He overcame those struggles in part by following the teachings of Jesus and the bible.  He recently commented that certain lifestyles were sinful which caused a public uproar and led the network to suspend him.

Our need to judge others, I think it's one of the major weaknesses of human nature.  Phil felt the need to judge the lifestyle of others, and now of course everyone feels the need to judge Phil.

One of the great stories of the bible, is when they are getting ready to stone a woman for adultery, Jesus steps in and says, "those of you without sin cast the first stone." The crowd dispersed and the woman was left unharmed.

Instead of throwing stones, maybe we should just try to improve ourselves, have compassion and understanding, and leaving the judgement to God.

With Love,

Tom Kaufmann
Coach K

Ebeneezer Scrooge and Happiness

The Christmas Carol written by Charles Dickens depicts Ebeneezer Scrooge as the miserly curmudgeon that cares for no one except himself and the almighty dollar.  He complains that Christmas should not be a day off and is just an excuse for picking a man's pocket while receiving wages for no work! 

Merry Christmas is greeted by Scrooge with a Humbug! 

When asked for a donation for the poor he responds, "are there no workhouses or prisons and if the people won't go there let them reduce the surplus population!" 

Scrooge is visited by the spirit of his recently departed business partner Jacob Marley, who is fettered in chains and his money chest that he must carry throughout eternity.  Scrooge says, "speak comfort to me Jacob, speak comfort to me!" Jacob warns Scrooge that helping the needy and his fellow man should be his business. 

Scrooge is then visited by the three ghosts of Christmas past, present, and future where his life flashes before his eyes. Scrooge finally sees the light changes his ways and becomes a kind and giving gentleman.  After Scrooge is visited by the last Spirit, he has a wonderful line where he sums up what he has  learned;

When Happiness shows up, give it a comfortable chair!

Enjoy each moment and remember that when happiness shows up make sure to give it a comfortable chair!  

Merry Christmas and God bless!

With Love,

Coach K

Saturday, November 9, 2013

The Asthma Cure - Me and My Jump Rope

How I Beat Asthma

I remember the days of my youth wheezing and not being able to breathe.  As a kid on the playground and as an athlete playing all the sports,  I would be bent over sucking wind and gasping for air.

Is there anything more frightening as not being able to simply take a breath especially for a child. 

I spent days at the hospital in oxygen tents and Mom would drive me around the neighborhood with my head sticking out the window as the fresh air hit me in the face.  This was before inhalers were readily available to provide relief.  The doctor said, you are allergic to dust, mold, on and on the list went. 

When I was older I went to see a food allergist that said I was allergic to chicken.  He also made a point to tell me that asthma is something you have for life, it's not something you outgrow.  Your mindset is so important.  I was determined to prove that it was possible to overcome this chronic disease.  While Doctor's provide valuable advice, YOU are responsible for your health and well being.  And YOU determine the actions, outcomes, and results you achieve. 

I still remember one high school day vividly, it was during basketball practice and we were running wind sprints.  I was having trouble breathing and the coach started yelling.  I was frustrated and embarrassed yet was determined to find a way to overcome asthma.

The first thing I did was to stay away from smoking.  From there, I came across the jump rope when I was 17 and started jumping as a way to stay fit. I then started running and completed 5k's, half marathons, and thanks to the inspiration from my friend Dave, I completed a marathon.

I did get an inhaler that provided immediate relief in case I did have an attack, but I didn't want to rely on medicines.  I started jumping rope and running and noticed the change in my lung capacity and my fitness level. The rope is great for your pulmonary and cardio systems.

And your HEART is your biggest muscle that is constantly in use.

The jump rope is convenient, easy to do, easy to master, and this is important always accessible, with running or other exercise you need equipment, a gym, or fancy sneakers.  2 minutes of jump rope a day will start you on the path to ultimate fitness, and you will be an expert in a few weeks of jumping.  The rope is also low impact on your joints.

25 years later and I have not used an inhaler or any other medicine for asthma. I have been jumping for 40 years and I have not had an asthma attack all thanks to the rope.

I speak to many people that say they are too uncoordinated to jump but believe me after doing it for two weeks you will be an expert.  If you're a little hesitant of using the rope, go to Walmart/Amazon buy a $2 vinyl rope and cut in in half, you can get the benefits of jumping rope without having to actually skip over the rope, and as your confidence grows you can move to a another rope. Watch your body start to melt.  Be patient the results will come!

Another benefit of jumping rope is it's great for your calves.  The calves are known as your second heart and are essential for pumping blood from you lower legs back to your heart. 

Try it. Don't give away your inhaler or medicines just yet, but as you begin on the this new path of fitness and wellness watch as they fade away.  Be of good cheer, have courage, and just begin.

Allergies are linked to asthma and one of the most important things you can do is overcome these irritants.  One of the most important life changing things I discovered was that most allergens arrive through the sinuses.  So, if we can keep the sinuses clear it will help with our breathing.  I began to swipe coconut oil in my nostrils and it eliminated by season allergies and stuffy nose in the morning.  I was able to breathe through my nose while sleeping.  Coconut oil is an antifungal and antibacterial and an excellent natural moisturizer.  

Another word on breathing.  Proper breathing is a learned practice.  Most of us take shallow breaths.  But when we learn deep breathing techniques that help us understand and control our breath we can begin to breathe better.  Taking four deep breaths beginning with an inhale through the nose and exhale through the mouth.  While you take your four breaths hold each breath for as long as comfortably possible and then exhale with your tongue pressed against the roof of your mouth. 

The body has a miraculous ability to heal itself, all you need to do is give it a little help. And remember with a little faith, we can move mountains!

Check out my ebook "The Asthma Cure" on

To your health!

With Love,

Coach K

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

The Mud Streak

We have 3 children and when they were younger the boys would play football in the backyard with their friends.  I remember looking out one afternoon at the patch of mud running the length of the yard and getting frustrated about the destruction of our beautiful grass.

I then came across a great quote that I keep handy when dealing with our little lovebirds.  One day the wife looks out at the backyard and says to the husband, "did you see what the boys did to the grass?"

The husband smiles looks at his wife lovingly and says,  remember honey we're raising boys not grass"

Love that quote.  The boys are older, they don't play football in the back yard any more and guess what, the grass has grown back to a lush green. 

We have to remember they are only kids once, let them play, let them romp, let them have fun, let them enjoy.

Boy, I do miss that mud streak. 

With Love,

Tom Kaufmann
Coach K

Friday, October 25, 2013

Love - John Wooden


Love the quote from the great basketball coach John Wooden.

"The best thing a father can do for their kids is to Love their Mother"

How simple.  How powerful.  How true. 

And at times, how hard.  Couples have so many responsibilities but the most important is to simply love each other.  

When we take the time for that everything else seems to fall into place. 

With Love,

Tom Kaufmann
Coach K

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

The Simple Key To Fitness - Movement and the Jump Rope

Health and Fitness: The Jump Rope

The key to health and well being is movement.   Movement of any kind will do the trick. Walking, jogging, dancing, biking, hiking, whatever you enjoy. 

The important thing is to move.  When we don't move, we rust.  And rust leads to breakage.  Most of our ailments can be cured with movement.  Movement reduces stress, anxiety, and improves your mood. Exercise is the fountain of youth

One of my favorites that I've been doing for 30 plus years is jumping rope.  What I like about the jump rope is the convenience.  You can do it anywhere, it's a simple piece of equipment, and it's relatively easy to master.  The jump rope is low impact. You don't pound your joints or body.  The knees, feet, and joints aren't stressed as in other activities.

Jumping rope is great for our cardiovascular and pulmonary systems.  I was able to overcome a severe case of childhood asthma that included inhalers, pills, wheezing episodes, and oxygen tents with the help of the jump rope.  Jumping rope will strengthen the heart, lungs, and blood flow. 

You can jump rope on your patio, your driveway, your basement, garage, park, or wherever.  The combination of being outside soaking in the fresh air with exercise is a potent combination.

Many people are concerned about lacking coordination to jump rope.  No sweat.  Just begin.  Think back to the school days of simply jumping rope.  In no time you will become an expert.  One month after jumping, you will marvel at how proficient you have become. 

You can start with two minutes and work your way up.  You can jump at different intervals throughout the day. Jumping rope requires minimal commitment, no going to the gym, no driving, no special gear, or footwear, no memberships. Just a simple rope and YOU.

Jumping rope will change your life and help you become healthy, fit, and more alive. 

To your health.

With Love,

Coach K

Friday, October 4, 2013

Hafiz: The Generous Sun - A Love Story

Loving Generosity

The 14th century Persian poet Hafiz wrote that the sun provides its life sustaining rays, radiating warm light that provides life to everything.  Hafiz summed up love with the lyrical words -

Even after all this time
The Sun never says to the Earth

"You owe me"

Look what happens with a love like that
it lights up the whole sky

So let it be with us,  give for givings sake.  Be generous with our love, time, money, and energy.  Give without the need for getting.  A simple smile and compliment can change the world.

Bring this sentiment, this powerful idea, this knowing into our families, our communities, our workplaces, our hearts.

With a love like that, we can light up the whole world.

With Love,

Coach K

Thursday, October 3, 2013

Hafiz on Happiness


Came across a beautiful quote from the 14th century Persian poet Hafiz,

"Ever since happiness heard your name, it's been running 
around the streets trying to find you"

What is Hafiz telling us. We were born to be happy, born to be joyful, filled with hopes and dreams.  We were born in the image of God. When we choose happiness and joy we live from our higher divine selves.

Happiness has nothing to do with material goods or money. When we acknowledge and live from the higher energy of the Holy Spirit we realize that today and each moment is a gift to be celebrated.  

Be thankful and filled with gratitude for the miracle that is you. 

With Love,

Coach K

Friday, September 20, 2013

You Are Not Your Circumstances

Remember that life can change in an instant.  If things are not the way you prefer and you would like to improve your surroundings, start with believing and imagining a better future.  We need to start seeing a better life, a better future for ourselves.

Life at times can be challenging, can beat us down.  But we have the power to keep the faith, to renew our spirit, and look for better times all while enjoy and celebrating the present moment.

We know that life changes every day, every moment is in flux.  We need to realize that if our present circumstances are not to our liking and we would like improvements that they are indeed possible.  We must start with suspending our reality, knowing that we have to power to transform our lives and that it can begin now and happen very quickly.

Begin now to think of the things you want, the life you desire. Think on it, believe it, and expect it no matter what your current situation is.

We all have challenges and many of us think they are insurmountable, but when we step outside ourselves and realize we have this day this moment, we really have everything we need.  Life is so precious and we get every day reminders in the headline news.

So despite our challenges, look for a better tomorrow, and give thanks for today.

There is a better tomorrow starting today.

With Love,

Coach K
Tom Kaufmann

Thursday, May 30, 2013

Ya Gotta Move!

The key to health and well being?  MOVEMENT.  The human body was meant to move, it is essential for our health and well being.  A simple exercise regimen of walking, jogging, jumping jacks, jump rope whatever will help restore your health, mood, and wellness.

Don't over think it.  Just begin. Like anything else in nature if it doesn't get used it rusts away, it decays, movement provides oxygen to our cells, restores our bodies, brains, emotions.  We all know the physical benefits of movement are increased muscle tone, heart function, and circulation, but many of us overlook the mental benefits of exercise.  We can replace the pills used to treat anxiety, depression, and other disorders with a movement or exercise program.  The side affects of these pills can wreak havoc on the body.

Look to increase your physical activity any way that you can.  Track your progress, track your physical improvement and emotional well being.  Keep a simple journal listing your activities, and the progress you've made.

Don't get discouraged.  This is not a race. There are no winners and losers.

This is a lifestyle change.  I am committed to movement and exercise because it is essential to living like food, water, and air we must move.

Spring is in the air.  A time of new growth, blooming, a time for a new you.  Yes, of course you can do it!

Now let's get moving.

With Love,

Tom Kaufmann
Coach K

Monday, May 6, 2013


The United States is a country of immigrants, from the original pilgrims to the europeans that left looking for a better life.  Juan is the new generation of immigrants looking for a better life.

While many Americans fret over the future and what our lives and the lives of our children will be like, Juan came here with the simple goal of improving himself and the fortunes of his family.  All he wanted was an opportunity.  He's worked hard built his business one customer at a time.   He is responsive, attentive, professional, and humble.  His goal is to please his customers, who in turn give him more business.  He is a self made man.

Juan's simple value of service of giving more than receiving has enabled him to grow his business from one employee and an old pickup truck to a thriving business with 50 employees and 10 trucks.

Juan is American ingenuity.  Juan does not speak English very well, he does not have a college education but what he does have is DESIRE, and desire can overcome many obstacles.

Juan is hungry and motivated, but he is also caring and gracious.

Juan is an American success story.

With Love,

Tom Kaufmann
Coach K

Saturday, April 27, 2013


My son plays high school lacrosse.  He was named captain during his senior season and was gearing up to really enjoy his final year.  Well, during the second game of the season against the local rival, he was hit with a vicious check that knocked him out and broke his jaw.  There goes the season. The best laid plans....ugh!

The game was against the neighboring rival and just the season before one of my son's teammates, that went on to graduate, delivered a similar type of check against a player and knocked him out of the game.  Thankfully, the boy was not seriously injured.

I later learned that with about 5 minutes left in the game and with the other team holding a comfortable lead, my son's ex teammate walked into the stadium right before the nasty blow was delivered to my son.  Coincidence? Karma? All I can think of is Wow.  Did the appearance of this young man returning to the site of his last game where he finished his career on such a low and ugly note manifest itself in reoccurrence of the flagrant hit.  Did the universe deliver justice and balance the scales.

I feel humble, reverence, and vulnerable to the whims of daily living.

We all know that life carries risks but we like to think those risks are within our control or our circle of influence.  Not always.  We do, try, and hope for the best even when we know at times that will not be enough.  But what can we do.

We have faith.

We pick ourselves up, we heal, and we look forward to better days to come.

With Love,

Tom Kaufmann
Coach K

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

All Things Are Passing God Never Changes

One of the phrases that we can rely on during challenging times is that all things are passing God never changes.   God is the same as Love.  When we are feeling frustrated, angry, anxious, dejected, or worried it's helpful to quiet ourselves and bask in the love of God, family, and friends.  Try and send loving thoughts to the source of your frustration.  Most of the times we find that it is ourselves that needs this love during these trying times, but love is free so let's be generous and give it away.

This too shall pass.

With Love,

Tom Kaufmann
Coach K

Sunday, April 21, 2013

The Most Important Person in the World

The most important person in the world is yourself.  Think about it. No one should care more about you than you do.  You need to be generous with praising you, nurturing you, caring for you, and loving you.  This simple idea is something that we are all born with but along the way gets lost.  Our well meaning parents, teachers, friends, and often ourselves belittle our ideas and dreams, and we fall far short of our potential.

The corollary to treating yourself with love and respect is to treat others with the same dignity whether they deserve it or not.  A powerful idea for optimal living is to treat everyone you meet as if they are the most important person in the world. Why? Because in their eyes they are the most important person in the world.

Everyone deserves our consideration.  When we give love, kindness, and respect to others it is returned to us.  This can be difficult to grasp when we feel someone has wronged us, treated us rudely, or has harmed us in any way.  We don't have to agree with the person or their actions but we can still acknowledge the divine beauty in them and in all of us.

Everyone we encounter on our journey is an opportunity to make a simple connection, an opportunity to make the world a better place by encouraging someone, by helping them. The whole world is  improved by this simple mindset.

We can put our judgments away and begin to treat ourselves and others we meet on our journey as the most important people in our lives.

With Love,

Tom Kaufmann
Coach K

Sunday, April 14, 2013

Tiger Woods - Masters Controversy

As the 2013 Masters tournament unfolded on Friday, Tiger Woods hit a shot on the beautiful 15th hole that ricocheted off the flag and remarkably spun back into the water.  As the sporting public watched in stunned silence,  having been wobbled by incredible bad luck, surveyed the situation, gathered himself, considered his options, and made his drop.

That's when things got interesting.  Watching the telecast, no one commented on the drop. Everyone was dumbfounded that the ball hit the pin and spun back into the water. When Tiger went onto to hit an incredible recovery shot to within 3 feet and made the resilient bogey putt, he kept his tournament hopes alive.

After the round, Tiger was interviewed by ESPN and commented that he dropped the ball 2 yards back from the original spot.  The PGA and Masters phone lines then lit up when the public called in and flagged a potential rules violation in not dropping the ball near the original spot.  Many said that Tiger should have known the rule, took an improper drop, should have been penalized an additional two strokes, then went on to sign an incorrect scorecard and should have been disqualified.  On the other hand, at the time, he did not know the score was incorrect and did not knowingly sign an improper card.

Due to the phoning public, the Masters rules committee reviewed the shot prior to Tiger's round ending and ruled that the drop was proper and no penalty required. After the public phoned in yet again and referenced Tiger's ESPN interview, did the rules committee rule that Tiger violated a rule and would be given a two shot penalty.  This all transpired on Saturday, the day after the original shot.

What's amazing to me is the public's involvement in the sport of golf.  In no other sport, does the public get to have direct input.  We have all witnessed incorrect calls in baseball, soccer, football, and basketball and the play goes on and we live with the outcome.  In golf the public has a say and can determine the outcome after the play has occurred and can impact the event the next day.  Astonishing.

Every sport has officials including golf.  The officials must make a determination at the time of the occurrence, to come back after the fact with feedback from the viewing public detracts from the event.
Just like in other sports, there is human error and golf is no exception.  Part of the human error perhaps adds to the drama.

The time has come to eliminate the fans from determining the outcome of golf events.

Tom Kaufmann
Coach K

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Improving Your Performance

The first step towards improving your performance is Awareness.  What is it you are looking to improve? Why?  These questions are important and helpful to understand your motivation.  Your goal may be simply to achieve your ideal weight for health reasons or to be able to play with your children or grandchildren.  That's fine.

The Simple Steps to Improve Your Performance -

1. Write it down. Whatever you want to achieve take the step of writing it down.  I am millionaire,  I weigh 170 pounds,  I am healthy, I am an excellent student, I am a marathoner.  The task of writing it down takes it from your mind, or the mental and places the goal in the physical.  By putting the goal on paper, you have made it more real.  Get in the habit of continually writing it down whatever the current status.

2. See it.  Use your imagination to see yourself already accomplishing your goal. Visualize yourself getting on the scale and seeing your ideal weight,  shooting your best score on the golf course, or running across the finish line.

3. Say it.  Affirm your goals.  Say it out load, say it silently, but be sure to state it.  Share it with friends or keep it to yourself.

4. Begin it.  The most important step to achieving any goal or improving our performance is to begin.  Start and commit to achieving your goal.  The journey of a 1000 miles begins with one step. When you begin, don't put pressure on yourself with the need to see fast results.  Be patient, enjoy the process, stay in the moment.  The journey is more important than the destination.

5. Ask for help.  We have a divine essence that enables us to overcome any challenge or obstacle.  When we humble ourselves and ask for help miraculous thing can happen. Find a friend. Find someone that will support you, that will pick you up when you fall, that will help motivate you.  A friend or even a stranger wants to see you succeed and will help you immensely.  The human spirit is alive and well, and there is a divine bond that connects us all.  There are resources available to all of us that we can't even fathom. 

With Love,

Coach K

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

10 Lessons From Dad

10 Lessons From Dad

1. Know that your Mom and Dad love you very much.  We love you unconditionally.  That means when you do well and when you screw up.  The best thing we ever accomplished or will ever achieve in life is having you as children and being parents.  Nothing else even comes close.

2. You are special.  Not better than anyone. Special, unique.  You have been given the gift of life. You all have unique talents that you will uncover as you go through life.  Your key to happiness is to develop those talents, use those talents, and share those talents. Your talents are usually linked to the things you like, the things you enjoy.

3. Treat yourself and everyone you meet with love, kindness, and respect.  It's easy to do this with nice people such as family and friends, but can be a challenge to strangers or especially those that are mean and rude.  We are part of the same human race and everyone should be treated with dignity.  You don't need to take abuse, and you need to defend yourself, but the easiest and best thing to do is remove yourself from the situation.

4. Be nice.  Being nice to others solves many challenges in life. When you have a chance to help someone do it.  Sometimes all that is needed is a smile and a look that says you care. Yes, you will encounter jerks, maybe they are having a bad day.  Don't let them make you become a jerk.  Send them a silent thought of encouragement and go on your way.

5.  Be Giving.  Give of your time, energy, talents, joy, money, hope, and encouragement.  The world needs good people. You are good people. Share the love.

6.  Take care of each other and lend a helping hand to others when you can.  Grandma K always told us to stick together and to take care of your own.  I know it's hard to imagine between the bickering over computers, food, the shower, and the toilet seat that you are the best friends you will ever have in your lives.  As you grow older, remember to stay in touch with one another and help each other in good times and bad.

7.  Believe in yourself.  Self confidence is one of the most important traits to have.  Believe in what you are doing, find people that support you, and will help you.  Seek good advice and then make your own decision, it's your life.  And remember Dad is always here for you.

8.   Be adventurous.  Life is fun.  Go out and experience life, do things, visit places, make friends.  Be more interested in experiencing all the wonderful things life has to offer.  Focus less on acquiring material things that will be out of style, broken, or forgotten before you have finished paying the bill.

9.  Live beneath your means.  Not to be confused with low expectations.  Pay yourself first.  Try to save at least 10% of what you earn and ideally 20%.  Save your money it will give you flexibility in life.  Try to buy assets or things that go up in value.  All the cars, clothes, and electronics you buy today are worthless in a few years. Try and pay cash for everything.  No car loans or even mortgages. Don't try and keep up with your friends who have the nice watch, fancy car, and sharp clothes.  Be true to yourself, know yourself, and be comfortable with your style.

10 Keep the faith.  Develop your spirituality.  We are spirits living in a physical body.  Get to know God, talk with him, ask him for help on your journey.  Trust your intuition.  Take care of your body, eat good food and drink water.  Develop a sense of peace in your life and try and maintain that sense that all will be well.  Be good, do good.  And remember to feel good is to feel God.

 All my Love,


Monday, April 1, 2013

Visualize - Cutting Down the Nets

I just saw a great story on Jim Valvano and the North Carolina State basketball team that went on an incredible winning streak to win the 1983 NCAA championship with one of the greatest wins over a heavily favored Houston team.

The NC State team followed up an air ball shot with seconds remaining to win in dramatic, unbelievable fashion.  One of the first things Coach Valvano did when he came to NC from Iona was tell the team that he had a vision that he was going to win a national championship and that this was the team to accomplish the goal.

He was so committed to the goal that he devoted an entire practice to cutting down the nets, which is a tradition for the winning team. Each player takes a turn to cut down a piece of the net with the coach cutting down the last thread.  The team would get out a step ladder, grab the scissors, and each take turns cutting a piece of the net.  And this did not just happen once, the team would regularly have practices were they would cut down the nets.  Who does that?

The first time the team did it felt goofy, funny, unreal, but as the team continued to practice cutting down the nets and celebrating their victory they began to believe it could actually happen. Perhaps subconsciously at first but the seed was planted.

Coach Valvano genius was in having the team share in his vision, in having the players share the same belief that he did. This NC State team could win a national championship.  This happened at the time when the ACC league had Michael Jordan at North Carolina and Ralph Sampson at Virginia, two of the greatest players in ACC history.  NC State wasn't even figured to be a contender for the league championship let alone the national championship.

Fast forward and after a mediocre regular season,  NC State must win the ACC league championship tournament just to make the NCAA tourney.  Entering the NCAA's as a six seed, the team goes on in dramatic fashion to beat Houston in one of the greatest college games in history to actually win the national championship.

What once was a dream had now become real.

And it all started with a simple vision of Cutting Down the Nets.

With Love,

Tom Kaufmann
Coach K

Thursday, March 28, 2013

From Adversity Comes Strength

Napolean Hill, the author of Think and Grow Rich, wrote that from every negative or adverse experience comes an equivalent benefit.  Another way of saying look for the good in everything.

We all know that's easier said than done, especially as parents.  You find out how truly vulnerable you are in life when you have children.  You want to do everything to shield them from life's rough patches, you want to soften the blow when life deals one of those unfair "why me" moments.

We recently experienced one of those very moments just this past week at our son's lacrosse game.  As  senior captain on the team, he was looking forward to enjoying a great season with his friends and teammates.  While the team was playing its second game of the season, Alex was blindsided by a vicious check that left him unconscious and fractured his jaw.  Our baby was broken. Season over.

I watched in disbelief as the play unfolded, and after what seemed like a time delay of 5 minutes but was more like 5 seconds, hopped the fence to be by his side as he lay motionless and unconscious on the field.  All the thoughts well up inside of you, "Is he going to be OK,  Is he paralyzed,  Is his neck broken".  After about two minutes with his eyes rolling back in his head, he regains consciousness and begins moving,  he's still unsure of where he is or what happened but I can at least exhale. I kept telling myself he's fine, he's fine while the tears, anger, and frustration all welled up inside me. How do you explain to him that this makes any sense or is fair after he's invested so much time and energy just to play his last high school season.

After leaving the hospital with the diagnosis of the broken jaw and hearing the news that his mouth would be wired shut for 4-6 weeks, you try to move forward.  Look to the future. You try to turn the page on the senselessness, violence, and that the entire play and act was unnecessary.  You try to reason with yourself, your son, and your family that injuries are part of sports and that things like this happen, but deep down they don't happen to you, they don't happen to your baby.

Times like this is where we earn the big bucks as parents. When we ourselves our rattled, we must turn our fear into fortitude.  When Alex was in the emergency room afterwards, his coach and teammates came to visit and were truly amazing in lifting all our spirits. The simple act of saying that you care, that you are not alone, is inspirational.

We as a family are all a little broken now, but with the help of family, friends, coaches, and teammates we will heal. The positives are a little hard to see now but I know they're out there. As we look for the silver lining, it may be simply that the injury could have been much worse, that he will heal, recover and be good as new.

With Love,

Tom Kaufmann
Coach K

Tuesday, March 5, 2013


The beautiful word Namaste originates from India and simply means I bow to you.  Namaste acknowledges the divine spark within each of us and is a way of recognizing the human spirit that connects us all.  Another way to think of the word is that the spirit or soul in me honors the spirit or soul in you.

The word can be said silently to everyone you meet or spoken to someone that you may be having a challenging time with at the moment.

An easy kind gesture to bring more harmony into our lives and world.


With Love,

Tom Kaufmann
Coach K

Thursday, January 17, 2013

Treat the Impostors of Success and Failure the Same

The Virus that has swept the globe and has altered our daily way of life is just such a crucible where our strength and inner fortitude have a chance to shine.  While we all must do our part, one of the most important things we can all do is to keep calm and continue to move forward.  This too shall pass.

We have history, great literature, and great leaders to lean on during these challenging times such as -

The great English poet, Rudyard Kipling who said, "that if you can keep your head when all those around you are losing theirs and blaming it on you. If you can meet with triumph and disaster, and treat those two impostors just the same; yours is the earth and everything that's in it".

We will survive these challenging days.  We must not succumb to the fear and hysteria.  We must support and help one another, and know that this storm will pass and the sun will shine again.

With Love,

Coach K