Sunday, February 19, 2023

Mozart - Let The Music Play

There is a wonderful saying, "Don't live without sharing the music inside you." The incredible Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart born in 1756 composed some of the most beautiful, exquisite, classical music ever heard. Mozart was blessed with a devoted father that instructed and encouraged him at very young age.  He spent his childhood immersed in music which launched his virtuoso talent at the age of three. He and and his sister Nannerl would play and perform to kings and courts across Europe. 

Mozart maintained a bit of child like wonder throughout his 35 years of life.  He composed and produced a tremendous amount of beautiful music in a very short period of time and that music has resonated down through the ages. 

Despite only living 35 years, he made sure that he shared his incredible talent and music with the world, and we are all better for knowing his divine creations. 

For those of you that have not experienced Classical music whether it's Mozart, Bach, or Beethoven take the time to give it a try and a listen.  After being exposed to pop and rock music for most of my life, I listened to Mozart for the first time when I was 30 years old and was stunned and astounded by the melodic sound. I remember quietly saying that's the most beautiful music I've ever heard.  That's why it's lasted 270 years!

If you want to know a little more about Mozart, there is an excellent movie called Amadeus that perhaps takes some poetic license but still is an enjoyable story. 

We are all given inherent gifts from God and it's up to us to use them. 

Let's make sure we share our Music with the world.

With Love,

Coach K

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