Tuesday, February 14, 2023

Put Down That Fork!

 Optimal Health

The best and fastest way to Optimal Health is to stop eating! Ah yes, I am genius.  We all know how hard it is to change our eating habits but our health, vitality, and quality of life are worth the changes. 

I know Fasting is the new diet buzzword. But when you really think about our eating habits and the American diet, you realize we are eating constantly. Three meals a day and constant snacking in between.  The body and the digestion system is always working to process those calories, most of which are empty and unnecessary.  

There is a better way that will change your life, health, and outlook.  We simply put down the fork and stop eating.  Or said another way, we learn to eat in a better way and more optimal way that enhances our health naturally and also provides all the nutrition we need. Fasting enables the body to heal itself by turning off the overheated digestion process and allowing our organs and biological systems to recover, and begin working normally again.

When working properly the body naturally produces Testosterone, Human Growth Hormone, and IGF (Insulin Growth Factor) at any age and provides all we need for lean muscle mass, strong bones, and good health.  

Fasting is a simple way to change our eating habits will improving our health  Fasting is not starving yourself.  You simply eat in a continuous 8 hour window, say from noon to 8pm.  You can choose the 8 hour window but the other 16 hours, 8 for sleeping and 8 for living are don't without eating anything significant.  So, some coffee, water, green tea are good to consume in the 16 hour non-eating window. 

This simply eating shift can/will change your life if you're struggling with your weight, energy levels, mental and emotion outlooks, or just want to improve you overall health and quality of life. 

Try to eat healthy in that 8 hour window but you can still treat yourself.  Start small if need be, you can eat in a 10 or 12 hour window as you work your way to 8.  Give it a try and see how it works for you.

The other benefit of Fasting is it eliminates for the need dubious testosterone, estrogen, and HGH supplements. By giving our bodies a break with all the eating/digestion we allow our body, organs - liver, kidneys, and pancreas to heal and begin operating normally.

Fasting is an effective and cost free way to achieve optimal weight and health.  Fasting may even help with reversing and curing some of the chronic diseases.

To Your Health,

Coach K

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