Saturday, February 11, 2023


Let There Be Peace

 Let there be Peace on earth and let it begin with me.  We have learned that the three most important virtues our Faith, Hope, and Love, and that the greatest of these is Love. And who can argue against the power of Love.  

But just as important is Peace.  Peace is one of the highest emotions, feelings, virtues we can experience. In the terrific book, Power Vs Force Dr. David M. Hawkins explains how everything has an inherent energy that can make us stronger or weaker.  Loud rock music can make the arm go weak while classical music makes the arm strong.  Violent images emit weakness while scenes of nature produce strength. 

There are a range of human emotions from boredom, apathy, anger, happiness, joy, compassion, to love. And those that have lived on earth and reached the highest level of Conscious have radiated Peace.  

Peace in our lives is so important and is just essential for our health and well being as good nutrition and exercise. Without peace we become anxious, fearful, and even depressed. We can achieve Peace by simply turning down the noise, and eliminating the constant stream of violence we ingest. Our entertainment is littered with violence. UFC fighting,horror movies, tv shows, video games, music, commercials, sports. My friend was watching a John Wick movie and it was sickening. Why is this trash produced and why do we consume this garbage. The violence poisons our mind and Spirit, permeates our culture and society leading to even more violence in our everyday lives. And the concern is that we have become immune to it and think it is normal, and even worse we can exposing our children to this violence at younger and younger ages. We must do better.

The rise of anxiety, depression, panic attacks, sleeplessness, and mental illness can be directly linked to the rise of violence in our everyday lives.  But we can choose to disengage from the negativity and bathe ourselves in Peace and Light.  We can use our spiritual resources and free will to choose a better way to live.  Turn down the noise and violence and focus on the beauty, the wonder, the goodness, and the miracle of each moment and each day.  Choose better forms of entertainment and watch how your health improves, your fear and anxiety subside, you sleep better, your mood and outlook brighten, and you have better outlook.

What we focus on expands and we can choose Peace, love, and joy.  The choice is our.

With Love,

Coach K

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