Wednesday, October 15, 2014



"Ask and it shall be given unto you" is a great quote from the Bible.  And one of the most powerful and simple strategies for getting what we want or need.  A couple of recent experiences got me to thinking of this easy yet often overlooked method for solving our problems.  

My favorite watch with a strapless heart monitor has been sitting in a drawer for two years after the original battery wore out.  I tried replacing the battery but the watch did not work.  I would often pass by the watch battery store and never thought to bring the watch to them, the experts.  Well, the other day I brought the watch in, they changed the battery, made a simple adjustment, and fixed the watch.  Why did I wait two years and go without the watch when I simply could have brought to them and get the problem solved in 15 minutes.  Easy, simple but for some reason I never brought the watch to the store. 

Our new laptop suffered a liquid spill that rendered it useless.  I was able to get it working for a short time with some manual workarounds.  The computer then just stopped working, it pained me to look at the useless paper weight. I brought the computer to a local tech who after inspecting suggested I take it to the manufacturer, which would cost the same as a new computer.  I then researched a tech that specialized in liquid damage, discussed the situation, and they suggested I send it to them and if they can repair they will for a reasonable cost.  

The two examples reminded me that we need to keep asking until we get the answers we need.  We don't have to stop at the first no, it just may be a indication to go in a different direction.  We often let past experiences, or mistaken beliefs and limitations, keep us from asking for what we want or deserve in the first place.  We need to stop convincing ourselves that we are not worthy, or incapable, or full of limitations, and just begin to ask for what we want.  Stop, telling ourselves we can't have something.  I can't get an "A" because I'm not good at math,  I can't get fit because of my weight, I will never meet someone because I'm unlucky. 

Open your heart and mind, and simply begin asking for all that you want and need.  Be patient, be persistent, and persevere.  You'll be amazed at what you accomplish. 

With Love,

Tom Kaufmann
Coach K

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