Saturday, April 11, 2020

Dr. You!


No one cares about your health more than you.  If that's not the case, well then that's a good place to start.  Your first step to better health and well being is to care for yourself. 

And while it's important to consult with our doctors and other health professionals.  The best prescription you will ever get is to eat well, exercise, don't smoke, and consume alcohol in moderation or not at all.  As the saying goes, we all know the right things to do we just have to do them!

We know that eating better and getting some exercise are some of the best things we can do for ourselves.  And while that may be intimidating for some of us, it's better than the alternative.  A lifetime of medicines, chronic heath problems, low energy and a pain filled half lived life. 
There is a better way.  And it begins with Dr. You! Your thirst for a better healthier life can propel you to learn how to better care for yourself.  By harnessing the power of the internet, reading an inspiring book, or watching a video on YouTube you can learn new ideas to significantly improve your life right now. 

How many excellent books and articles are written on nutrition, health, and wellness.  You can access them for free at the library. There are millions of experts that can help us on our journey, but it must begin with us. 

Take charge, take responsibility, your health is worth the journey. 

To Your Health!

Coach K

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