Wednesday, April 15, 2020

Sugar Junkie


We have gone from consuming four pounds of sugar a year per person to eating 150 pounds of sugar per year!

150 pounds of sugar per year! Let that number sink in and reflect how our daily eating habits coincide with that figure.  From the sodas, fruit juices, to the high fructose laden foods we unknowingly consume we are poisoning ourselves every day. 

Our taste buds and palettes have been conditioned with the sugar response, it acts like a drug in our brains where our bodies are craving more like a Sugar Junkie. 

We must fight back. How?  

Knowledge.  Knowledge is Power.  But we must go a step further and turn that knowledge into Willpower! We know the right things to do and now we must start doing them.  Our very life, health, and happiness depend upon it. 

Do your own research on nutrition and health.  Just don't give away your health to anyone including your Dr.  You are responsible. You are in charge!

Start with replacing the poisonous soda and diet soda with water or green tea.  Move to a lower higher quality carb eating plan rich in good proteins and fats. Find one health food you enjoy and build on that whether it's spinach, broccoli, cucumbers, or kale. Start moving every day with a simple walk in the park. Get moving!

Your very life is worth the journey.  We have a responsibility to teach our children and give them the lifelong skills that will propel them to success and happiness.  They may not be listening to all of our bluster, but they are surely watching. 

And if not for yourself.  Do it for your loved ones.  They are counting on YOU!

Oh yes. Yes You Can. 

With Love,

Coach K

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