Friday, April 24, 2020

Emotional Intelligence - EQ

Emotional Intelligence

We hear so much about IQ or Intelligence Quotient to let us know how smart or intelligent a person is, but perhaps a more important measure of effectiveness is Emotional Intelligence or EQ. 

Our intelligence supposedly stops developing around the age of  sixteen, while our EQ is always evolving. 

Emotional intelligence can be defined as how well we work with people, how we effectively deal with difficult and challenging situations, how do we handle adversity. How do we work with someone that is not like us. 

Those with high EQ's are leaders that inspire us to greater achievement.  They believe in us and our potential when we often doubt ourselves.  

What is this powerful force that drives high EQ's?

In a word, LOVE.  Do you love those you are responsible for, that you work for, that you lead, that rely on you.  Love does not mean we are not disciplined. They work in unison. 

How do we develop our EQ? 

We must start with ourselves. Do you love and honor the beautiful person that is uniquely YOU.  If not we must first start there.  We must remember we are created in the image of God.  We all have the divine spark that gives us life and is responsible for our existence.  We must honor ourselves.  The past is gone. Whatever our past deeds, they are gone, and must be left in the past.  The present moment is what matters. We must start loving ourselves today no matter what our self perceived limitations, I am here in this moment and I am alive. Today is a gift and we will go confidently, lovingly, and purposefully from here. 

 To develop our EQ we simply, we treat others as we would like to be treated.  More importantly, we honor the potential and divinity that resides in all of us. When we put those we are responsible for before our own needs we communicate that we care not only about our goals but the needs of those we are responsible to.  Most parents have high EQ's, but the challenge of raising children at times can convince us otherwise. We love our children even when discipline is called for at times. 

Our duty is to care for those that depend on us. When we put their needs first, they can produce tremendous results.  Many think these are competing goals, but in fact they are essential if we are to reach our potential as individuals, leaders, teams, and organizations. 

We were made for greatness, joy, and fulfillment.  

Let's us begin today.

With Love,

Coach K

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