Saturday, April 7, 2012

Hope Springs Eternal

You have to love the beauty of Spring.  After a long winter, we all come out of our caves and hibernation and look to enjoy the sunshine.  The days are longer the sun shines brighter and everything begins to bloom.  We seem to have a better attitude, a little more pep in our step, a little more hope in our lives.

Faith, Hope, Love
I love focusing on language and how we use words in our everyday lives.  We have all heard the expression Faith, Hope, and Love. Hope is the word that reminds us of Spring. We are filled with the the hope of renewal, of new beginnings, of new growth.  Just like the new blooms, flowers, and greening grass we to can use the Spring season for a time of new adventures, a fresh start, a time to turn the page.

I know many of us have been knocked down or out with this economy or maybe some other hardship in our lives.  We all experience those times is our lives, but Hope Springs eternal means just that, we keep moving forward, we lean on our family and friends to get us through challenging times. We ask for and receive help.  We know that we are valuable, that we are loved, and that there may be passing clouds but the shine will shine through.

Begin this new Spring season with a renewed energy and passion for Life.  We know everyday is a gift and when we remember this simple fact, our life can take on a new luster, a new joy. The mind body connection is part of the human experience. We can use this time of renewal to improve our bodies, our health, eat a little better, exercise a little more, and talk and think in a more Hopeful way. A little improvement in our physical health will make a dramatic improvement in our emotional well being.  Also, the simple act of praying, meditating, or however you connect to your spirit will help with our renewals. One of my favorite daily prayers or meditations is simply two words Thank You.

Here's Hoping for a little more Spring in all our lives!

With Love,

Tom Kaufmann
Coach K

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