Monday, April 2, 2012

How to Be a Dad?

Parenting is the greatest responsibility many of us will have in our lifetimes. We all know parenting is not always easy but the rewards far outweigh the tough spots.

When I reflect on my 16 years of fatherhood and in growing up for the most part without my own father being present, I think the most important thing for any parent and father to do is to be there. Yep, simple show up and be a Dad present and active in their everyday lives.  Sounds simple but how many us find it hard to be there for our children.

Being a Dad, means of course loving our children unconditionally, it means being there for them at all times, teaching them, listening to them, and learning from them. One of the key roles a Dad has is also saying NO to them, as a father/mother we are the heads of the family, we are the boss. We set the rules, guidelines, and examples for the family to follow.  I find it interesting how some families say we can't say no to Billy or Susy because we don't want to disappoint them or make them unhappy.

We were all kids once and if left to our own devices would have spent everyday eating candy for breakfast and watching TV all day.  One of the most important aspects of being Dad/Mom is to set limits and to say No.  Yes, it is tough being unpopular with your son or daughter when you don't think it's a good idea that they want to hang out at the mall on Saturday night or on Facebook for 3 hours straight, but that's parenting.

Came across a great quote by Howard Hunter, "the best thing a father can do for his children is to love their mother".

We know as parents that we say the same things over and over again hoping it sinks in and that they get the lesson.  I try to remember that they may not always hear or listen but they are ALWAYS watching.

Let's try and be there for our kids, to love them, to be a good example, and to love their mother.

With Love,

Tom Kaufmann
Coach K

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