Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Life's 5 Universal Laws

We all learned these simple principles as children but along the way toward adulthood may have gotten caught up with life and forgotten that they still ring true today and are just as effective.

5 Universal Principles

1. Ask for what you want. Principle Ask and Receive. Just ask. Focus on the what, for now forget about the how. What do you want?

2. Give. Principle Give and Receive. Many of us think we have nothing or little to give, but giving has very little to do with money.  The giving of friendship, support, a compliment, kindness, or just a little TLC is far greater.

3. Love and Kindness. Principle Treat others how you want to be treated. When we treat ourselves and others with love, kindness, and respect, even those that may not deserve it, we become stronger. When we we become what we desire independent of how others think or act we are telling the world that I like myself and am happy with  myself just as I am. Now that is an empowering idea.

4. What you focus on expands. The Abundance or Expansion Principle is thinking and talking of all the good things in your life today and the things you want tomorrow. When we focus on the positive we get more good things and the reverse is also true. Take notice of the language you use and the thoughts you think on a daily basis. Is the language hopeful, expectant, good, and joyful.  Try the experiment for a day, week, or month talking and thinking in a more positive manner, brush aside any setbacks or down moments they are fleeting. Focus on the joy and watch it expand.

5. Be Thankful for all that you have, for the very gift of life today. The principle of gratitude helps us to focus on the important things in our lives for all the good that shows up in our lives on a daily basis.

With Love,

Coach K
Tom Kaufmann

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