Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Spring Cleaning: Today's Treasure Tomorrow's Trash

We were doing a little spring cleaning around the house the other day and gathering clothes to donate, old toys to get rid of, and throwing out old and obsolete items. And it got me thinking of how much time and energy we spent working for and acquiring many of those very same items that years ago we "needed" to have and just a few short years later we were throwing away.

The latest cell IPhone 4 has made the Iphone 3 that is only a year old a worthless piece of junk. The latest car models start to make last year's model look like a jalopy. The new fashions make our existing wardrobe old and outdated.  Is this right or true?

We know that all that was once new, today's treasure, becomes tomorrows trash.  When we focus on the things that last, the things that are eternal all the noise and the trinkets in our lives fade and the real things take on a brilliant shine.

Think of the things that really matter to you, the things you would take with you if the building was on fire.  Our loved ones, our health, our relationships, our passions.  Let that be our focus and the place we spend our time and treasure.

With Love,

Tom Kaufmann
Coach K

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