Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas

The Christmas season comes closing out each year.  And while the American Consumption Machine switches into high gear, we are reminded of the simple joys of this time of year, namely giving. 

The enchantment of Christmas is the simple act of giving.  To share happiness and joy in giving a gift to family, friends, and even strangers is an act of generosity.  We do so in an effort to please someone other than ourselves, what a wonderful sentiment.  While we all like to receive gifts, the giver is the true beneficiary.  Better to give than to receive as it goes.

 Rising above our own inherent wants and needs, we sacrifice our time and money in order to bring even a moment's happiness to someone else.  The concepts of giving, caring, and love come to life as we share each other's company, friendship, and camaraderie.  

Our individuality is set aside and we gather to celebrate family.  We pause our busy lives to enjoy and share the gift of love, of caring and kindness,  the gift of giving. 

The gift of Life. 

Merry Christmas

With Love,

Coach K
Tom Kaufmann

Monday, December 22, 2014

The Importance of the Family Meal

The Family Meal

The simple act of eating together as a family is a powerful ritual of family unity.  We we make time to sit together and eat either on a daily basis or at least weekly,  we make time to connect or reconnect with each other.  

In today's hectic life of busily running from one activity to the next, and continual electronic distraction from cell phones, computers, and the internet, we need to make space for elemental human connection.  Looking each other in the eye, sharing each other's thoughts, desires, views, and challenges.  The meal allows us to affirm our sense of family, our togetherness, our love and care for each other. 

So man of us eat based on our schedule and where we happen to be at any given time. Many meals consist of fast food or grabbing something from the drive-thru window, or eating a pizza in front of the television.  Take time at least one day a week, to sit around the table and eat together.  The meal can be simple, but be sure to put away the cell phones, and turn off the t.v.

Break bread together, enjoy each other's company, bask in togetherness, and celebrate the blessings of life in the moment. 

With Love,

Coach K
Tom Kaufmann

Tuesday, December 16, 2014

The Human Toilet

The Human Toilet

Humans are toilets.  We spend our days eating food, often junk food, that builds up waste in our bodies.  And just like a toilet is it important to flush and dispose of that waste on a daily basis. The easiest way to dispose of the waste is to exercise. 

Exercise helps remove waste from our bodies by flushing the toxins from our bloodstream via sweat. Perspiration is a great way to easily remove waste from the body's largest organ, the skin.  Exercise also helps with the process of elimination by assisting with bowel movements. 

Exercise helps blood and oxygen flow to the kidneys and liver which are instrumental in purifying the body's blood and in cell regeneration. 

When you don't feel like exercising which can be just a simple walk, think of that waste building up and get out and give it a good


With Love,

Coach K
Tom Kaufmann

Thursday, December 4, 2014

The Family


Just came across a US News article reporting that upwards of 40% of U.S. children are born outside of marriage in single parent households.  Understanding that many are consciously choosing to have children outside of wedlock, while others are having children where the one parent is responsible for providing and caring for the child place a tremendous strain on the household. 

Without commenting on the benefits of marriage, government policy, or how statistics can be massaged, can we all agree that children in two parent households are more likely to be well adjusted, productive citizens.  We know that families with two parents have higher incomes, higher educations, and more opportunities. The benefits of having a mother and father actively involved in the raising of children is essential.  

How can we maintain and improve the family structure in our era of individuality, selfishness, and instant gratification.  More patience, more understanding, more education, more love.

With Love,

Coach K
Tom Kaufmann

Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Vitamin E: Endorphins and Stress

Vitamin E - Exercise and Endorphins

Endorphins are those natural feel good chemicals released by the body during exercise.  The wonderful thing about exercise is that it is a natural stress reliever.  Another terrific benefit is that it creates a natural high, long known as the "runners high" often experienced by long distance runners. Exercise, especially outdoors in the fresh air, is invigorating and can create the same feeling that many experience by taking external substances. 

So in summary we have an activity that enhances mood, eliminates adverse health conditions, and has many other overall benefits such as improved circulation, lower blood pressure, and improved heart and lung function.  Another wonderful trait is that this activity is FREE 

So just begin.  Start with a simple walk, jog, run, or jump rope and get that Rocky Mountain High the natural way.

With Love,

Coach K
Tom Kaufmann

Saturday, November 29, 2014



There is a great quote from Jesus in the Course of Miracles,  "If you want to be like me, I will help you, and if you don't I will wait for you to change your mind.  And you will change your mind"

With Love,

Coach K
Tom Kaufmann

The Concept of Non Interference

Non Interference

As a parent, how do you know when it's time to parent and time to let go.  Time to not interfere.  Very, very, hard. I'm not sure of the answer, but in having three teenagers you have to trust that you've raised them correctly, given them good fundamental principles.  We have always tried to teach them to be loving and kind, even though we are not always loving and kind ourselves, especially to each other.  We all know that living under the same roof can be a challenge at times!

Well just like us they have to learn some lessons on their own, you want to protect them from themselves, from their missteps, from their mistakes but some times we go too far in sheltering them from life.  We know that life and experience is the greatest teacher, and that often times it takes us several "experiences" before we get the lesson.  Sometimes we may never get it right. But try we must. 

Our college son is home on Thanksgiving break, and he shared a story where I winced when he began.  He said at school there was a fellow student he didn't know in the game room and asked if he would play Battleship with him.  Our son like most kids is a video gamer, not a board gamer.  He's seen the game on tv, not sure he's ever even played it before.  After the game,  while my son was waiting for a friend, the student asked if he would walk back to the dorm and play video games.  He met a new friend and was kind and gentle to a fellow student that was "different" from him.   Maybe he heard some of lessons over the years. 

All I coud do was smile. 

Practicing non interference in the lives of others can be a challenge in these days of interconnectedness, where instant communication is the norm.  And knowing when to help and when to mind your own business can be a delicate balancing act, but listen to your heart and you'll know that you're on the right path. 

With Love,

Tom Kaufmann
Coach K

Shopping/Retail - Take The People's Money


Shopping like baseball is a great American pastime.   We are hall-of-fame consumers.  We are told by marketers and advertisers that we are not complete without their product or service.  We can't be cool or acceptable unless we wear a certain brand.  

Of course, it is utter nonsense.  But the conditioning is strong and has gone on for almost 100 years. We are continually bombarded about the need to have this gadget through the radio, tv, and papers. Everywhere we turn there is an ad for a product or service, on your phone, computer, clothing, and of course the Internet.  

The continual message is shop, shop, shop, buy, buy, buy, consume, consume, consume.  

The opposite of consume is to what? Save.

Many are forced to be savers due to limited means.  When you learn the good habits of saving and eventually investing.  You can begin having your money and assets work for you instead of you working to consume and spend. 

When I do shop and go to the stores, I'm amazed at the long lines.  The retailers haven't figured out the most important concept in selling. Take the people's money! Make it easy and convenient for people to spend. Why have folks wait in long lines to give you their money.  Have enough staff on hand to work the registers and take the people's money.  So simple and easy.  You don't want to have your customers become frustrated when trying to purchase your goods, and most importantly the last impression of the customer should not be negative. 

So all you retailers out there hire a few more folks, bring in the extra staff and 

Take the people's money!

With Love,

Tom Kaufmann
Coach K

Thursday, November 27, 2014

What Happened to College


Attending college was usually considered a good idea, good for the student, good for the community, good the country, good for society as a whole.  An educated person is exposed to different ideas, different cultures, different viewpoints.   The college experience helps expands a person's capacity to learn, experience new things, and solve the challenges of the modern day. The college experience creates an improved person that can help make a better life for themselves and their family helping contributing to a better society.

This noble idea of educating the citizens for the betterment our society seems to have been corrupted along the way.  Excellent programs such as the GI bill enabling veterans to go on to college, community colleges enabling inexpensive access to higher learning, or state schools providing lower cost access to residents are excellent programs that many used to improve their opportunities in life. 

The U.S. college educational system was and is the best in the world, but what has happened recently is a corrupting of the system.  The excellent idea of providing low cost student loans to enable student to attend universities has been highjacked by the very same universities to escalate tuitions to outrageous levels.  Now the local private universities with a student population of ~2000 students is routinely charging $50,000/yr for tuition, similar to Ivy league schools. 

While colleges have been raising their tuitions at a dramatic rate well above the 3% levels of inflation, their enrollments have skyrocketed.  Colleges are seeing record freshman classes despite these ridiculous tuition rates.  Why?

What happened?  Has worldwide demand from students around the world created a more limited supply at our colleges.  Are there more applicants for the limited spots are our U.S. universities. Perhaps.  But  due to this demand, the colleges have learned that they can raise tuitions for their limited slots and demand does not drop so the price keeps increasing to foolish levels. The problem appears to be access to money or funding.  Easy financing creates excess.  Similar to housing, credit cards, auto loans, and now a college education. 

A good idea has been corrupted where the schools, banks, lending institutions, and government have created a collusive environment where the schools inflate tuitions, the government and banks provide funding, and the students and families foot the bill.  Yes, students and families knowingly enter into these arrangements,  our culture has promulgated the benefits of education and rightly so.  We can agree that educating our children is good for all of us. 

Back in the mid 1980's, you were able to go to an outstanding university for under $5000/yr, you could work to pay some of the tuition, and borrow to pay the difference.  You could do this on your own and get by.  Today, that same university is 25,000 and it is doable to work and borrow to pay the costs, but it is much more challenging, and at most institutions untenable. 

One of our national goals should be to provide affordable access to a college education for all our citizens. We have seen the political influence of the educational funding conglomerate in having Bankruptcy laws mutated to forbid educational loans from being discharged in bankruptcy.  So, a multi-billion dollar corporation can wipe it's debts clean, but a person struggling cannot get rid of their student loan debt.  Fascinating, interesting, sad.  This illustrates how the system has been hijacked, corrupted, and focused on generating excessive profits than in providing reasonable funding to higher education. 

We can and must change the system.  With the advance of technology, high speed internet and video, we have new way low cost to deliver courses and knowledge.  We can provide universal access to higher learning in a much more economical format while keeping the principles intact. We must make changes.  We are taking our college educational system which is a national treasure and undermining its very reason for existence. 

With Love,

Coach K
Tom Kaufmann

Wednesday, November 26, 2014


Jogging and Walking

Over the years I've gone from pure running to now a combined running, jogging, and walking or to coin a phrase JALKING.  

Jalking is an easier way to elevate your heartbeat, get a good sweat, and complete a workout in less time.  Many of us don't have an hour or more to enjoy a nice walk, but when you combine a walk, with a jog, and a 100 yard sprint you're able to accomplish more, still enjoy the scenery, and improve your fitness and health relatively faster.  

Jalking helps achieve cardio fitness, strengthen your bones, and is terrific for building muscle.  Many folks don't realize that running is a great overall muscle building exercise.  Walking alone while helping with tone, does not equal the overall muscle building of running or sprinting. Walkers will benefit by incorporating light jogging into their routine, and slowly building to sprinting.  Start with a 10 yard sprint depending our your fitness level and go from there. 

Monitor your body and how you feel, let it guide you on how to progress.  A great relief for soreness or stiffness is to take a hot soak in the tub.  The soak helps the muscles relax, break up lactic acid, and helps you recover faster.  And it feels great too! 

Another terrific benefit of Jalking is the great outdoors.  While treadmills are OK, nothing compares to the invigorating, revitalizing, fresh air.  Get outside soak in the sunshine,  enjoy the sky, and breath in the cool crisp air.  The health benefits are tremendous. 

With Love,

Coach K
Tom Kaufmann

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

The Power of a Love Letter

Love Letters

Ah yes, good 'ol love letters.  The act of writing a letter, let alone a love letter is a long lost art.  We forget how powerful the written word is, and transformative when combined with an uplifting loving message. 

In this era of instant and constant communications,  of twits, texts, posts, and emails we often don't find the need or take the time to simply write to the people in our lives how important, special, and wonderful it is that they are here to share in this wonderful dance of life.  We need to take the time to write a heartfelt letter explaining our love, joy, and happiness to those that mean the most of us.  Let them know how important and special they are, how much you simply love them. 

When I mention this simple yet powerful act of connecting and expressing ourselves many people tell me, especially men, that their spouse or children know that they love them.  I'm sure that's true, but there's a reason that love letters are saved and treasured.  We as humans need and crave love and affection. We need acknowledgement. 

We need to know that we are loved. 

Take the time to write that love letter.  Tell that special someone how much they mean to you.  Let it become a habit to shout from the rooftops, you are important, you are unique, I'm glad you're in my life,

I love you. 

With Love,

Coach K
Tom Kaufmann

Thursday, November 13, 2014

Free Cheese Welfare to Wealth

Hey Friends,

Been working on this wonderful story idea for a while and the upcoming book is a celebration of achieving success despite the odds, of using the power of  Love to overcome any obstacle. Here's a snipet of the story

Free Cheese Welfare to Wealth - A beautiful love story with some interesting detours along the Way

Chapter One - A Fairmount Love Affair

My mother Helen Anne Keel Kaufmann raised her four boys on a welfare check and food stamps. She worked when she could but needed to be home for her four young boys. Helen was married young at the age of 19 like most back in the 1940's to her local neighborhood sweetheart Thomas Kaufmann. They both met in Fairmount, near the Art Museum in Philadelphia and fell in love. Mom went to Hallahan and Pop went to Bishop Neumann having been forced to bus to South Philadelphia because of the crowding at Roman Catholic in Center City.  Having to leave the neighborhood and the beloved Roman was tough on the 14 year old, he had to catch a few buses to get to South Philly and certainly took some ribbing on his hour long trips back and forth to school. Mom was a Hallahan girl, a local all girls high school that still exists today in Fairmount.

The local Fairmount kids fell in love and got married after high school. Dad was headed to the Army and Mom would stay home and raise the kids. The plan was to settle in Fairmount, buy a nice row home, surrounded by family and friends, raise a family, and live happily ever after.

Mom is a beautiful black haired blue eyed beauty. Her gaze would freeze you, she knew she was special, and wasn't afraid to let others know it too. She was the fourth child in a family of 5. Her sister Kitty the oldest, brother Frank, brother Joe, Mom, and youngest sister Judy. Kitty was separated by many years from the younger children. Mom was the apple of her father's eye, the joy of her mother, and the love of her older brothers, they called her "Sis" as a term of endearment. Mom was the straw that stirred the drink in the family, the center of attention, used to getting her own way. To look at old pictures she had a grace, a beauty, a regal air about her. I'm certain she is descendant from royalty.

Mom is a Hallahan girl, the local all girls school that still is going strong today in Fairmount.  She lived right across the street from the school. Mom was a member of the St. Peter's Basillica parish located on Logan circle and growing up attended school and church at St. Peter's. St. Peter's cathedral is where the Cardinal has his office and is the most beautiful church in Philadelphia. St. Peter's elementary school has since closed. Dad's local parish and elementary school is St. Francis, still going strong today.

Dad was a from a family of four, three boys and a girl.  Raised by a German father Francis Kaufmann and an Irish mother, Kitty Gallagher. There was sister, Francis, the oldest, then Dad, younger brothers Joe and Johnny.  Dad was a stud athlete. He fit in perfectly with the Keel boys since Frank was a football star at Roman and Joe a basketball player on Roman's dominant teams. He played baseball and basketball with the Keel's and the neighborhood guys at the local gym on Boathouse Row along Kelly drive and the Schyukyll River. Kelly Drive is a lovely, meandering road that connects center city with Philly's outlying towns of Roxborough, Manyunk, Andorra, Chesnut Hill and the close suburban townships and boroughs of Conshohocken, Whitemarsh, Plymouth , and Blue Bell Whitpain.

Dad's two sports loves of basketball and baseball had him dreaming of starring in championships for the local high school powerhouse Roman Catholic. The overcrowding at Roman took those dreams to Neumann Roman's South Philly rival. How ironic that a local Roman guy would have to take his talents and play for the other team. Well, his athletic prowess I'm sure eased the transition of welcoming a Roman outsider into the Neumann fold. He played on Neumann's first 1958 boys Catholic League boys basketball championship team, the Catholic league has been playing competitive basketball since 1921. Neumann is second all time with 17 championships to Roman's 28. Dad also starred for Neumann's baseball teams as a slugging first baseman.

Two young, beautiful lovers, happy ready to launch on their wonderful journey together.

Chapter Two - Getting Busy

After high school Dad was to join the Army during the early 60's. Vietnam was bubbling,  the Bay of Pigs was in the headlines, and the threat of war was in the air. Sometime soon after joining the army, Dad was given an honorable discharge.  The discharge was related to a medical condition and may have involved mental health issues.

After getting discharged, Mom and Dad decided to get married, and were married at St. Francis church in Fairmount, a stone's throw from the Philadelphia Art Museum, the Parkway, and scenic Kelly drive.

The newlyweds settled in Fairmount surrounded by friends and family.  Life was good. Dad owned his own delivery route with a local company H&M, think UPS. Mom was a secretary with a local company. They young couple looked quite elegant and glamourous bouncing around town, John Kennedy was elected president and hope was in the air

 The world was their oyster. All their attention and affections were showered on each other. Dad was 21 and Mom was 20 foot loose and fancy free. And then.

The children! Four of us born in a span of 6 years. Tom, Frank, Brian, and Chris. Mom and Dad had four boys before the age of 28, and Dad's head must have been spinning four boys to feed. I was born Thomas Joseph Jr., Tommy in July 1964, the year John Kennedy was elected and the Beatles toured Philly and the USA.  Francis John, Frank was born in November, 1965, then Brian Patrick, Bri was born in December 1967, and finally Christopher Peter, Chris was born on August 2, 1970.

Yes, the four bounding Kaufmann boys arrived on the scene and we were ready for action. Four boys ages 6, 5, 3, and newborn Chris. That's a lot of testosterone in one place.

Mom and Dad started their lives together living in their first home, a house located in the Logan section of Philly. Logan was a nice solid middle class neighborhood. Dad was having trouble holding a job and they wound up having to sell the house and rent a house in Chesnut Hill. Chesnut Hill is a lovely small town colonial city on the outskirts of the city that borders the terrific Philly suburb of Whitemarsh.

Chesnut Hill is a wonderful mixture of the artistic, affluent, educated, and eclectic.  The town has a bounding energy where people walk along the cobblestone streets to visit the local shops, galleries, and restaurants.   The homes are a mix of rows, townhouses, single homes, and lovely mansions that peacefully exude the lovely bohemian Chesnut Hill vibe.  Today, our family lives about 3 miles from Chesnut Hill and all three of our children were born at the great Chesnut Hill hospital.

From Chesnut Hill the family moved to Roxborough, another nice working class town located 10 miles outside the center of Philadelphia, or Center City. Roxborough like Chesnut Hill is a town that while technically located in Philadelphia has more of a suburban feel.  And while being 10 miles from Center City, the town were only a mile or two from the bucolic Lafayette Hill and Plymouth Meeting located in Whitemarsh township.  We lived in a nice two bedroom apartment on Osborne street, close to Daisy Field the local park that had a baseball diamond, and the Wissahickon creek and trail located in Fairmount Park.

Plenty of kids were in the neighborhood and we had fun flipping baseball cards, playing ball, and just having a great time.  The youngest Chris was just born and I remember his crib being in the living room and the brothers and I sharing bunk beds in the apartment.  The only downside to the apartment was that at night when you turned on the lights for the bathroom, the roaches scurried. Yuck!

With the arrival of Chris, there was now six of us living in a two bedroom apartment. I remember attending kindergarten at Cook elementary, and one morning in particular while Mom was dealing with the newborn, Frank, and Brian. I was sent off on one of my first big adventures walking to school on my own which was about 3 blocks away.  I knew the way but since I never walked it alone before it was quite an accomplishment for me.  After my brothers were settled, Mom peeked in the classroom window to make sure I arrived safely.  My first taste of independence!

From kindergarten at Cook elementary, I headed to St. John the Baptist to attend first grade in the neighboring town of Manayunk.  Philly is filled with all these wonderful Indian names. Manayunk is home of of the great bike race that features the "Wall", a steep climb that the cyclist has to make during each loop of the 300 mile race.  The town is filled with steep hills and borders the Schukyll river.  St. John's sat at the bottom of a steep hill and was surrounded by the parish cemetery that sat on a hill. I remember looking up from recess and school and always seeing that foreboding place.


When I finished the first grade at St. John's in June 1970 we made our move to the steel mill town of Conshohocken. A working class town dominated by the steel plant, Alan Wood Steel, and other factories such as Lee Tires, and Hale Pumps. The town was filled with schools, churches, parks, ball fields, bars,  funeral homes, and the Fellowship House. Conshohocken's indian name translates to Pleasant Valley, and despite the rough and tumble reputation, it was a perfect place to raise a family.

Mom was determined to keep Dad away from the temptations of Fairmount and while we bounced around from Logan, to Roxborough, to Conshohocken, in an effort to distance ourselves and protect Dad.  The lure of family and friends a short drive of 10 miles away was always there.

In the summer of 1970 we settled in a nice small 3br/1bth twin with a small yard located at 220 E 5th Avenue. The house cost $10,000 which of course was a fortune at the time and was built in 1950's.  Dad owned his own trucking route with H&M delivery, a local package delivery service. A precursor to the modern day UPS and Fedex. Times were good. We actually got a mortgage, maybe a VA loan, and we were proud homeowners.  The house was conveniently located a half block from the local Marywood park, which included a playground, grassy picnic areas, 6 outdoor basketball hoops, and the town's local community center called the Fellowship House.

Things were looking up for the growing Kaufmann family.  Mom and Dad were still so young in their late 20's. I was 6, Frank 5, Brian 4, Chris an infant and optimism was in the air.  The house was about 1000 sq ft with 3 bedrooms and one bath, it was huge compared to the apartment.  Chris was in his crib in Mom and Dad's room, Brian and Frank shared the middle bedroom, and I had the small back bedroom next to the bathroom. The bathroom had a nice cast iron tub but the shower was yet to come. Baths were the modus operandi.

Conshohocken or Conshy to the locals is a borough of about 10,000 people located within one square mile. The town borders Norristown, Barren Hill, Plymouth Meeting, Lafayette Hill, and Plymouth township and runs along the Schukyll river which was so vital to the steel plant in the early days. The town is made up of mostly well kept twins, singles, and row homes, and prides itself on a sense of community. The town's main strip is Fayette street dividing the town in half between the East and West sides. The blocks simply count up beginning at 1st avenue up to 15th ave. With the higher avenues typically having slightly larger homes, yards, and property values. Going back to the founding of the town, the founders and mill owners lived up on the hill or higher avenues while the workers lived closer to the mill and river.

The town has four catholic parishes and schools to choose from at the time. The schools and parishes were identified by geography and ethnicity.  Irish St. Matthew's on East 3rd ave. Italian St. Cosmas and Damien located on W. 6th ave.  Polish St. Mary's on West 1st ave. And across the river and bridge there was St. Gertrudes that belonged to our friends in West Conshohocken. The larger elementary schools and parishes were St. Matt's and St. Cosmas with over 200 students, St. Mary's only had 100 students from K-8, and St. Gert's was even smaller.

St. Matt's

The decision was made that I repeat first grade at St. Matt's for if I remember correctly I did complete the first grade during my time at St. John's  I remember my first day at St. Matt's with Sr. Louis all the other kids knew how to write in cursive and I at the time had not learned that and was printing my words. From that early time, I was identified as being behind the other students, but I made friends quickly and easily assimilated into being a Saint at St. Matt's.

Frank, Brian, and Chris would follow me at St. Matt's.  We were all athletes and gravitated to basketball where we excelled. The Sisters of St. Joseph were our teachers and we had our fair share of run in's with the  good sisters. My brother Brian especially, Brian was a free spirit and he was tagged early as a rabble rouser.  I often think that children will live up to the labels we associate with them as so it was with Brian as he got into some minor issues,

A classic Kaufmann story is when during the Christmas season with the festive spirit in the air and the town lit up with all the Christmas lights.  We would go out and about and borrow the big bulbs from our neighbors and then pop them on the sidewalk like firecrackers.  But 'ol BK had to one up everyone that was not good enough.  BK and his friend Gary, the son of a local police officer, went to the police station and removed the light from the tree in front of Borough Hall and the station! 

Of course, they later got caught, got grounded.  Rinse and repeat for the Kaufmann boys and especially our firebrand Brian Patrick.  So just to recap and let it sink in.  BK and the son of the police officer thought it would be a good idea to go to the police station and remove the Christmas lights in front of the police station with the son of a police officer! We would later became neighbors with the same family we would buy a house several years later in Conshohocken.  Good people. 

Fellowship House

For once we had room to spreadout, could romp at the local park, play hoops and hangout at the Fellowship House, the town's community center, and expend all that joyful energy that the Kaufmann boys possessed.

The Fellowship House was simply know as The Fel.  How cool is that. 

The Fel was the lifeblood of the community.  Everything went down at the Fel. 

All the kids afterschool activities from basketball, kickball, board games, and ping pong happened at the Fel.  The building was a big cinderblock gym that had a big stage front, and ancillary rooms used for playing board games, hanging out, and just being with your friends,  There were locker rooms, and offices for the staff, and even an upstairs lounge where some of the older fellas could gather to spend some quality time together. 

To Be Continued

We all dream of fairy tales and living happily ever after, some couples seem to figure it out while others are challenged by having to share a vision, a purpose, and a future with someone else. The perception that life changes once we are married, when we are responsible for more than just ourselves, when others depend on us, life goes from being about me, to about us, to about them or so it goes.

Monday, November 10, 2014

Trained by a Jedi

Star Wars

I still remember be mesmerized after watching the first Star Wars movie released in 1977.  I was 13 years old and sat in the theater  afterwards wanting it to continue and thinking that this one one of the best experiences of my young life.  I left the movie excited and uplifted by what I just witnessed. 

Luke Skywalker and Obi Wan the good guys in white conquer Darth Vader and the Empire in black. 
Although I didn't know it at the time, this was one of my early introductions to the importance and power of the mind in our daily lives.  By focusing our minds on good things that we desire and on outcomes that we want to achieve, we can help accomplish our goals.

The Force that Obi Wan, Luke's mentor, references in the movie is this powerful divine energy that pulses through all of life.  Obi and, later, Yoda teach Luke that he can harness this power to achieve his desires.  With this new found power Luke is able to overcome significant odds to defeat the Empire.

We can overcome our obstacles by choosing a better way to think and adopting a positive can do attitude.  Without realizing it at times, we are bombarded with a continuous stream of negativity in our daily lives, this impacts our thinking, health, and emotional well being.

We overcome the dark side or this negativity from consciously disconnecting from it and finding time to immerse ourselves in prayer and meditation. When we make space for silence, we allow our inherent peace and joy to emerge.  We need to take time to rejuvenate and condition our minds as well as our bodies.

May the Force be with you.

With Love,

Tom Kaufmann
Coach K

Tuesday, November 4, 2014


Buddha said that if we could see the miracle of a single flower clearly, our whole life would change. The wonderment of life unfolds every day right before our eyes. We often take it for granted or just are too absorbed in our own thoughts.  When we were realize that we all are an expression of the beauty in nature and the miracle of life, we can begin to fill our lives with joy.

Rumi said that we should give up our cleverness and seek bewilderment.  Simply choosing to see and find the beauty all around us. Notice how you feel when the cool breeze fills your lungs, or the warm sunshine warms your face, and the fall colors in the trees. These simple acts have the power to energize and restore us when we just take time to observe and enjoy.

Take a moment today to enjoy the beauty all around us and let it fill us with wonder.

With Love,

Coach K


Buddha said that if we could see the miracle of a single flower clearly, our whole life would change. The wonderment of life unfolds every day right before our eyes. We often take it for granted or just are too absorbed in our own thoughts.  When we were realize that we all are an expression of the beauty in nature and the miracle of life, we can begin to fill our lives with joy.

Rumi said that we should give up our cleverness and seek bewilderment.  Simply choosing to see and find the beauty all around us. Notice how you feel when the cool breeze fills your lungs, or the warm sunshine warms your face, and the fall colors in the trees. These simple acts have the power to energize and restore us when we just take time to observe and enjoy.

Take a moment today to enjoy the beauty all around us and let it fill us with wonder.

With Love,

Coach K
Tom Kaufmann

Monday, October 27, 2014

Coach K's Two Band Workout - Everyday Fitness

Simple Everyday Fitness

Throughout my 35 years of athletics and fitness, I have sought simple, easy ways to achieve superior fitness levels.  My two go exercises are the jump rope and the resistance band.  For the total investment of $20, you can accomplish outstanding aerobic and anaerobic levels.  

Simply jumping rope or bouncing, as in jumping jacks,  everyday you will improve your heart and lung function, increase your blood flow and stamina, and enjoy talking nature walks again or strolling on the beach without experiencing shortness or breath or feeling tired. 

A few easy exercises with the resistance band will help build and maintain lean muscle mass, which will strengthen your body and help burn calories more efficiently.  You can take a break from the computer or sitting at your desk and in 5 minutes do arm curls, chest pulls, tricep extensions, shoulder shrugs, and even squats. 

Whatever time you can spare 5, 10, or 20 minutes begin today to improve your health.  Simply jumping rope, walking, or running in combination with easy band movements, will restore your health quickly, help eliminate the need for medications, and achieve the fitness your desire. 

You just have to start. Now! One, two, three, four....

With Love,

Tom Kaufmann
Coach K

The Whole World's Ablaze Your Passion

Set The World on Fire

"If you are what you should be, you will set the whole world on fire.  Let the truth be your delight, proclaim it, but with a certain congeniality".  What I like about this quote from St. Catherine of Siena is the gentle strength of the proclamation.  She reminds of us all of our hidden talents, our undiscovered power, our vast potential that when tapped has the power to change the world.

By simply acknowledging that each of us is special, and that when we utilize and share our unique talents we tap into that potential that ignites a passion in us. We have that inner and outer glow that people can see in our eyes.  She tells us that we can express and share our talents with a gentleness and kindness that opens a pathway to understanding.   Let the beauty of your work, your talent, and skill be the expression of achievement and excellence. 

We can express ourselves with grace, dignity, and congeniality like Jesus, Gandhi, Martin Luther King, Abraham Lincoln, Mother Theresa, and countless others.  They all set the world on fire without firing a weapon or dropping a bomb.  You know what special talent you have that is aching come out and be shared for all of our benefit.  Bring it forth.  

St. Catherine reminds us to, Do the thing, and it will give you power!

With Love,

Tom Kaufmann
Coach K

Sunday, October 19, 2014

Coach Frank Z. 50 years at the Fellowship House

Coach Frank

1971 was my first year living in Conshohocken,  we just moved from Roxborough and I was starting first grade at St. Matt's.  We moved into a house on East 5th avenue right down the street from Marywood park and the Fellowship House, known as the Fel.  Little did I know at the time, but the Fel would become my little slice of heaven.  We played basketball, met our friends, and basically lived there as children.  I remembered the people that worked there were really nice Jimmy, Maureen, Dennis, Esther, and Frank. 

As the years passed, Frank would become my basketball coach at St. Matt's,  I would later work with him and the gang at the Fel, and eventually become a Board Member to help give a little back to the place that gave me so much.  The wonderful experiences, fun memories, and friendships were some of the best times of my life.  Having the Fel was like being able to go to an amusement park every day after school.  We looked forward to spending our time there all just one block from our house. The Fel became part of my life, part of my family, and part of me. 

From the first grade,  Frank would go on to coach me, mentor me, he was like the big brother that was always looking out for you.  Coach is celebrating 50 years at the Fel this December, a remarkable accomplishment in today's age of layoffs, downsizing, and job hopping.  Frank has served the youth of Conshohocken during those 50 years, coaching thousand of kids in basketball and baseball.  He has become part of the fabric and very foundation of the Fel that has been so vital to the community all these years.

Coach has taught us all the meaning of service, selflessness, and generosity. He has always put others before himself, and though he never had children of his own, the thousands of children's lives he had a positive influence on will be his everlasting legacy as we share the values he taught us with our own children.

From 1964 to the present day, 50 years passes quickly.  From all us Thank You Coach for teaching us the right way and for always being there.  We love you and wish all the best in the next 50 years.

With Love,

Tom Kaufmann
Coach K

Thursday, October 16, 2014

Padre Pio

Padre Pio

The Padre Pio shrine located in Barto, Pa just outside of Boyertown is a 40 minute drive from us and a good hour from Philadelphia.  We stopped on our way to dropping our son off to college.  A local Norristown family's daughter was miraculously cured after visiting Padre Pio in Italy, and as a Thank You the family built and has maintained a beautiful shrine on 106 acres that replicates Padre Pio's San Giovanni, Italy residence.  All our welcome and there is no charge for admission. 

Padre Pio devoted his life to helping and healing others.  He suffered physically most of his life, but despite his poor health, continued to bless others with good health.  Padre Pio's famous quotes are to, "Pray, Hope, and don't Worry. Worry is useless. God is merciful and will hear you prayer." Also, "Prayer is oxygen for the soul". 

We have so much noise and distractions in our daily lives.  I often think we are just like the birds on the wire twitting back and forth. When we take time to pray, meditate, and just sit in peace and quiet, we let the silence wash over us and fill us with grace and solace.  The peace and tranquility of prayer or meditation enables to connect to the divine spirit within each us opening the channels to our limitless potential. 

In the words of the great Pio,  let us 

Pray, Hope, and don't worry. 

With Love, 

Tom Kaufmann
Coach K

Wednesday, October 15, 2014



"Ask and it shall be given unto you" is a great quote from the Bible.  And one of the most powerful and simple strategies for getting what we want or need.  A couple of recent experiences got me to thinking of this easy yet often overlooked method for solving our problems.  

My favorite watch with a strapless heart monitor has been sitting in a drawer for two years after the original battery wore out.  I tried replacing the battery but the watch did not work.  I would often pass by the watch battery store and never thought to bring the watch to them, the experts.  Well, the other day I brought the watch in, they changed the battery, made a simple adjustment, and fixed the watch.  Why did I wait two years and go without the watch when I simply could have brought to them and get the problem solved in 15 minutes.  Easy, simple but for some reason I never brought the watch to the store. 

Our new laptop suffered a liquid spill that rendered it useless.  I was able to get it working for a short time with some manual workarounds.  The computer then just stopped working, it pained me to look at the useless paper weight. I brought the computer to a local tech who after inspecting suggested I take it to the manufacturer, which would cost the same as a new computer.  I then researched a tech that specialized in liquid damage, discussed the situation, and they suggested I send it to them and if they can repair they will for a reasonable cost.  

The two examples reminded me that we need to keep asking until we get the answers we need.  We don't have to stop at the first no, it just may be a indication to go in a different direction.  We often let past experiences, or mistaken beliefs and limitations, keep us from asking for what we want or deserve in the first place.  We need to stop convincing ourselves that we are not worthy, or incapable, or full of limitations, and just begin to ask for what we want.  Stop, telling ourselves we can't have something.  I can't get an "A" because I'm not good at math,  I can't get fit because of my weight, I will never meet someone because I'm unlucky. 

Open your heart and mind, and simply begin asking for all that you want and need.  Be patient, be persistent, and persevere.  You'll be amazed at what you accomplish. 

With Love,

Tom Kaufmann
Coach K

Friday, October 10, 2014

Henry David Thoreau

Henry David Thoreau

The great writer and naturalist, author of Walden and Civil Disobedience, Henry David Thoreau, had many words of wisdom to share.  

One of his famous quotes is, "If you advance confidently in the direction of your dreams, and endeavors to live the life you have imagined, you will experience a success unexpected in common hours." We have to dare to dream and then work to live out our dream. Whatever that individual dream may be for each of us. 

Another excellent quote is,  "It's not what you look at that matters, it's what you see." How many see the same thing and have total different experiences.  How many of us see the opportunity or benefit in every experience. Look for the good, the benefit, the opportunity. 

"Never look back unless your going that way," is another wonderful quote that reminds us to keep focused on the present don't live in the past or even too far in the future, carpe diem. Seize the day, embrace the moment. 

"Most men lead lives of quiet desperation. What is called resignation is confirmed desperation." How do we lead lives of hope and expectation.  In a word Faith. Jesus tells us that with the faith of a mustard seed we can move mountains. When we put our trust in God we know that we can overcome any obstacle and achieve all we desire. 

And "There is no remedy for love, but to love more."  Thoreau was a great lover of nature, individuality, and freedom. Let us all love more.

With Love,

Tom Kaufmann
Coach K

The Healing Power of Nature


Feeling stressed, sluggish, tired, run down, is your health not what you want it to be? Time to get outside.  Fresh air, sunlight, and nature can restore your health.  Simply walking in the woods among the trees can begin to heal and increase your energy levels. 

I've run, walked, and jump roped for 40 years and this past year instead of the treadmill or jumping rope on the patio, I've made an effort to do more trail walking and running and I've notice a big change in my energy levels.  Exercise naturally raises your endorphin levels, those body chemicals, that make you feel good, the "runner's high".  When you combine exercise with the great outdoors, you have a simple prescription to wellness.

When you have an opportunity choose to exercise outdoors and get the added benefits of nature's beauty. Nature is your prescription for whatever ails you. 

With Love,

Tom Kaufmann
Coach K

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

The Majestic Peregrine Falcon

The Falcon

I had the incredible experience of coming face to face with a peregrine falcon.  The bird was simply majestic.  Even though the human being has the largest brain and is "king" of all wildlife, I felt humble next to the falcon.  I understand why falconry is the sport of kings.

I was going for a run at our local state park, that I recently learned has a bird observation tower to watch the migrating hawks that move from north to south each fall.  The tower has regular volunteers that keep watch for the birds throughout the year.  Real bird lovers.  I was fortunate enough to meet one of these people, as he was bringing his falcon and hawk to share with everyone that day.  

I learned that the falcon flies up to 250 mph in the air, and has special nostrils, and eye membranes to protect will descending at these speeds.  The jet engine was designed based on the nostril function of the falcon. 

The grace and majesty of the falcon was a special chance meeting that I will always remember.  Keep an eye out for the everyday beauty that nature provides us it's simply inspiring. 

With Love,

Tom Kaufmann
Coach K

Friday, October 3, 2014

Love and Marriage


We all know the statistic that 50% of marriages end in divorce.  Hey, it's hard living with someone for a long time, it's hard putting someone before yourself, it's hard having to share, it's hard having to comprise. It's also hard being alone. 

Welcome to the wonderful world of marriage.  Many relationships start out where the couple is compatible, wants the same things, and is completely in love.  But over time things can change,  he wants something different, she wants something different, the children arrive and everything changes.  
Anyone that's been married for along time, say over 10 years,  knows that it can be a challenge.  The idiosyncratic traits that used to be cute are now annoying.  The playful teasing is now nagging. She's not the same, he's not the same.  We're just sick of each other.  Just plain tired. 

Take heart.  I often say that it would be hard to live with Jesus for 10 years let alone a mere mortal.   We have to keep this in mind and communicate with each other.  We are going to make mistakes, get on each other's nerves, change, and even fall down.  What we must do is talk, communicate, express ourselves.  If there is a problem, men will just shut down and women will chat with their friends. 

Talk, talk, talk.  And wait.  What you think you wanted or needed last week often passes, the trouble your relationship may be having gets resolved.  You need to be a little patient, ok a lot patient, and keep at it. 

And trying begins with kindness.  Kindness means caring.  It's often funny that we're nicer to strangers that we are to our own spouse or children.  Simple acts of kindness begin to unblock the communication channels and open up space for love to bloom. 

The other big factor in a successful marriage is memory.  Forget mistakes quickly, we all make plenty of them.  And as Shakespeare said, "to err is human to forgive divine".  We have to learn to forgive each other.  Living together with the challenges of raising children, managing a household, and maintaining a relationship are tough. 

So FORGIVE each other, forgive yourself and move forward.   Learn to take it easy, let things slide, have a sense of humor. 

All the Best,

Tom Kaufmann
Coach K

Saturday, September 20, 2014

The You Tube Revolution

You Tube

You Tube is the power of community combined with the power of community.  By sharing information freely and easily, we can expand knowledge, build talent, and improve our society. 

Thanks to the community sharing knowledge of You Tube and the Internet I have repaired a washer, fixed a hot water heater, learned new health applications, and uncovered new skills and passions.
With the help of efficient communication networks, the Internet,  You Tube has enabled every person to share their talents, knowledge, and skills with the rest of the world, and the possibilities are incredible.  

We have in essence, a vehicle to expand our knowledge on a vast array of subjects by simply connecting with the community.  We have the ability to educate ourselves in a new powerful way without the limitations and expense of traditional educational systems. 

Our hot water heater started running out of hot water prematurely and thinking I needed to replace the unit, went to You Tube to check how to diagnose a faulty hot water heater.  After reviewing several videos, I learned that I could simply check the thermostat and heating element to determine if the heater was working properly.  You Tube showed the repair, and after purchasing the parts for $20 I was able to repair the heater and now the hot water runs long and strong.   

The expense, time, and energy saved by the repair lead to increased productivity and an improved quality of life.  Now let's multiply these countless opportunities with people throughout the world, from developing countries, across cultures, and languages You Tube is just a single example of how the internet can improve our lives in powerful ways. 

The sharing community will transform our lives in unforeseen ways, from educational institutions to health systems. We are at the early stages of understanding and applying this technology and the best is yet to come. 

With Love,

Tom Kaufmann
Coach K

Monday, September 1, 2014

The Power of A Compliment

Power Talk

We see it everywhere in our society today.  Trash talk in sports, arguing in politics, social media abuzz with put downs. There is another way. 

Try a compliment.  Find something nice to say to someone in the family, to a stranger, to anyone you meet.  Even if you can't find the words,  a simple smile or a meeting of the eyes can be a powerful gesture acknowledging someone.

We we give a compliment, we in a way receive one also.  When we say something kind, we express the kindness within us, we acknowledge our connectedness.

Next time try a few kind words, a nice smile, or a simple glance you'll soon find how powerful you are. 

The Power of a compliment.

With Love,

Tom Kaufmann
Coach K

True Love Yourself

True Love

Start with yourself.   Learn to love and accept yourself with all your supposed flaws and weaknesses.  You are here alive dancing on the earth, you are unique, special, and beautiful in your own way.  Celebrate yourself.  Come to know or remember the divinity you are infused with.  Stop comparing yourself or putting yourself down, we all go through the self talk of saying I'm not worthy or if I was stronger, prettier, faster, taller, skinnier, smarter.  BA!  It's a bunch of noise, an empty rattle.  Silence that trash talk. 

Healthy self improvement is fine, encouraged.  The desire to get better is wonderful just remember that the beautiful, special, wonderful part of you will always be there and is unchanging.  

Now go ahead and smile, laugh, and share your beauty with the everyone.  

With Love,

Tom Kaufmann
Coach K

Monday, June 16, 2014

Boldness Has Genius In It - Goethe

The philosopher Goethe said, "Whatever you can do , or dream you can do, begin it. Boldness has genius, power, and magic in it."

It's so hard for many of us to take that leap of faith.  To believe in ourselves, to know that we have something more to give, more to offer, but when we dare to dream we give ourselves the opportunity for greatness, we allow our voice to be heard our song to be sung.

There is a part of us that knows what we should do, what actions we should take.  Let's be bold and unleash the power.  Capture the magic.

Boldness has Genius In It!

With Love,

Tom Kaufmann
Coach K

Friday, June 13, 2014

No One Can Make You Feel Inferior Without Your Permission - Eleanor Roosevelt

Self Esteem

Eleanor Roosevelt once said, " no one can make you feel inferior without your consent."  Our daily lives are filled with criticism and sarcasm, it seems that someone is always telling us that we are wrong and have to conform to their way of thinking.  

The divisive nature of our media, sports, politics, even within our own families leads to feelings of inferiority.  We begin to doubt ourselves and our abilities.  Even well meaning friends and family members, undermine our self confidence and belief in ourselves. 

We have the power to control our thinking, to remember our self worth,  to know our individual human potential.  We all have a divine spark and energy that we can harness. 

Try and limit the critics, turn down the noise.  Seek the advice of good friends and make your own choice, it is your life.  Find a supporter, someone that loves and believes in you, they are out there.

Find some quiet time every day, during these times of silence remember that you are beautiful, worthy, in your own way. 

With Love,

Coach K

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Allergies - Honey

Honey - Allergies

Pollen the main cause of spring time allergies is spread by the honey bee.  So the thinking goes, that an antidote to the allergen pollen is honey from the bee.  Honey is a natural sweetener and has many other health benefits. 

Since the flowers are pollinated by the bees, the honey from the bee counteracts the allergies.  The honey should be raw and local. 

I have noticed an improvement in my allergies since starting the honey regimen.  Try local raw honey and see if it works for you. Keep using the raw honey and give it time to work.

A natural remedy that replaces the chemical alternatives. 

To your health,

Tom Kaufmann
Coach K

Choose Kindness


When choosing between being right and being kind, choose kindness.  Our ego dominated selves demand that we always be right, that we win the argument.  The television shows focus on conflict, on pitting one side vs the other.  The focus is on divisiveness. 

When we accept that that our view is not the only view, we become open and tolerant of other viewpoints.  Giving up our need to right, to always win, keeps us open for new ideas, new thoughts, and opportunities for growth. 

We often find the most challenging applications are with our families, specifically our spouse or children.  We find that our need to be right is just too strong within our families, we must maintain our position of power and identity. But when we give up our need to argue or prove our point,  and allow our loved ones to express themselves and have their point of view, we create an atmosphere of loving, caring, and nurturing. 

We can continue to lead and teach by example.  What better way to teach someone about love and kindness that to exhibit those qualities ourselves. 

We know at times it's hard to choose kindness to those that may be different from us or that may be unkind, but we have that ability that POWER.  Watch the reaction of others when you choose kindness, you are spreading sunshine, and making the world a better place. 

When you choose kindness, you minimize conflict and tension, your health and well being improve and you are filled with a lightness and joy. 

Try it. Next time your raced with being right or being kind,  choose kindness.

With Love,

Tom Kaufmann
Coach K

Monday, May 19, 2014

You Deserve It!

You deserve all the wonderful things in life.  During our short time on earth, we need to remember that each of us is special in our own right.  We make up the collective human race and each of us has a note to sing or a part to play in make the world a beautiful place.

Many times life has a way of beating us down, convincing us that we are too fat, too ugly, too short, too dumb, too nerdy.  We must remember that each of us is unique, each of us has value, each of us is wonderful in our own way.

Find time to honor yourself, to be kind to yourself, to love yourself despite what others may say.  Treat yourself with gentle love and kindness.

With Love,

Tom Kaufmann
Coach K

Thursday, April 10, 2014

A Lovely Coincidence

Our three children play lacrosse and after their games this past week we realized that our son and daughter both had the number 9. We asked them if they discussed with each other about choosing that number, Morgan said it was the last number left that was her size.  We then realized that our other son's number is 36, oh well there goes the lucky three 9's....oh wait the number 36 or 3+6 = 9, there we have it have three 9's.

A lovely coincidence.

With Love,

Tom Kaufmann
Coach K

Thursday, March 13, 2014

Food is Medicine - Body Heal Thyself

The Body's Ability to Heal Itself

Food is medicine.  Many prescription drugs are based on plants and herbs.  There are countless stories or people curing ailments and chronic diseases through nutrition. 

Many times we are so quick to ask the doctor for a pill to cure what ails us, but when we have a little patience and change our eating habits we can avoid the harsh side affects of drugs and let our bodies work their magic. 

With over 60,000 miles of veins, arteries, and capillaries in the human body, enough to circle the earth two times, the body is a modern miracle.  When we fill our human "Ferraris" with processed food, sugar, and salt we clog the engine and the body begins to break down. 

Changes in our nutrition are hard for many people, 80% of food on supermarket shelves is processed. Start with simple changes such as eliminating all sodas, try to eat some more fruit and vegetables, drink lemon or lime water everyday. Think green foods, try and eat the colors of the rainbow reds apples, strawberries, orange peppers, carrots, and oranges, purple blueberries and blackberries, yellow lemons and squash. 

Try good nutrition first, give your body a chance to heal itself, it may be the

Best medicine you ever take. 

With Love,

Tom Kaufmann
Coach K

Monday, March 3, 2014

Food is Number One

Food is #1

My father-in-law Freddy is a smart man.   He immigrated to the the US from Italy when he was 10 years old.  When I first sat down at his dinner table, he gave me a valuable lesson about food.

He said, "Tom, Americans are very interesting they drive around in nice cars filled with premium gas, wear nice clothes, and then go to McDonald's for dinner.  I smiled and nodded in agreement.  He said, of all the things you do everyday, food is number one, food is the most important.  He's right. The family eats fresh ingredients, cooked lovingly, rarely eats takeout except for the occasional pizza.

Growing up the children rarely went to McDonald's or other fast food restaurants, compared to the food they ate for dinner every night, the fast food looked like dog food.  If you are going to spend your money, invest in good, healthy food.  The benefits far outweigh the costs.

Many experts think that our health issues from chronic diseases such as diabetes, arthritis, and other can be traced to the food we eat. Other serious conditions such as heart disease and cancer are certainly linked to our nutrition.

We all have times where we lapse and don't eat in a healthy manner, but let that be the exception. Commit to eating better and living better.  While you improve your nutrition, pay attention to your mood change, energy level, and overall sense of well being.  Simple changes like eliminating soda or high fructose corn syrup, or eating one or more servings of fruits and vegetables can make a dramatic improvement.  First, target a change that is easiest for you to do and then build from there. For some it's chips, or ice cream, or candy, chocolate, or soda

As you improve your nutrition, watch the need for medications fall by the wayside.

Your food will become your medicine.

We have many things to spend our time and money on let


With Love,

Tom Kaufmann
Coach K

Saturday, March 1, 2014

Restore Your Health - The Road to Wellness

You Deserve Good Health

The human body was designed to be healthy to be full of vitality and full of life.  The human body has the amazing capacity to heal itself and to restore our wellness and vibrancy.

Our modern life at times detracts from that good health with processed foods, drugs, alcohol, and sedentary lifestyles where we sit at the television, phone, and computer for hours at a time without any real movement.   Another factor impacting our health is stress.  We need to find good outlets for relieving the stress that builds up from everyday living. 

We see these modern day fitness programs such as P90x and others that ask for 25 minutes a day for an outstanding body.  That's fine for those can do those programs.  For the rest of us, there is an easier and simpler way to restore our health. 

And it begins with these simple steps

1.  Nutrition.  Start incorporating more fruits and vegetables into you daily eating.  Drink more water. Try and eat food in it's natural state without it being modified.  An apple, an orange, a tomato, nuts, beans, carrots and many other foods can be eaten without any processing.  Simply eating better will enable the body to begin healing itself from within. You don't have to become a vegetarian just begin incorporating better eating habits into your everyday life.

2 Movement.  Exercise is a fancy word for movement.  The body was designed to move that's why we have legs and feet.  One of my favorite exercises is the jump rope, it's convenient, easy to do, and requires no special gear or skill.  A simple jumping jack, walk, knee bends, or just rotating the arms will get the body moving again and begin to help clear the sediment or rust that has accumulated over the years.  Restoring our blood flow is a great way to renew our energy.  Again, you don't have to become a marathon runner.  Try moving 10 minutes per day and build from there.  You can simply walk in place while watching your favorite show.

3. Fresh air and sunshine.  Try and get outside in the sun and breathe in the fresh air for at least 20 minutes per day. This frigid winter has left many of us in a hibernated state.  Make an effort to go outside even if you have to do in 2 minute increments.  The cold air in the lungs is invigorating.  Let the sunshine splash on your face and take in some of that natural vitamin E.

4.  Quiet.  With the daily news broadcasting the latest bad news drama and our busy hectic schedules, we can easily become overwhelmed with stress.  We've become like birds on a wire, heads bobbing in every direction. Stress and anxiety dampen and impede the immune system.  One of the simple choices we can make is to turn down the noise of everyday life.  Instead of tuning into the latest catastrophe, we can choose to turn it off and retreat in peace and quiet.  Limiting our exposure to bad news, violence, and constant stimulation, gives our body time to rejuvenate and restore our natural glows.  Try sitting in a quiet place for 10 minutes a day, you can pray, meditate, or just enjoy the silence.

5. Prescription drugs.  There are many drugs that benefit a person who is in pain or has some other medical need, but for many of us it is just a convenient solution to mask the symptoms of our unhealthy lifestyles.  And while there are some benefits, the side affects can be just as debilitating and unhealthy as the problem the medication was supposed to fix.  

When we begin living a healthier lifestyle with better food, fresh water, and exercise we enable our bodies to heal themselves to restore our natural state of wellbeing.  We can live with energy and vitality. We have the ability to live a simple healthy life without the need for drugs and medical procedures.  The body was designed for optimal health, let's give it a chance to restore the natural state of well being with these 5 simple steps.

All we need is a little help from ourselves.

With Love,

Coach K

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

History at Haverford High - A Little Patience

A Little Patience

The Haverford high school basketball team beat the Wissahickon basketball team last night in a district playoff game to advance to the PA state playoffs for the first time since 1970, 44 years ago.

After the win, the stunned student body rushed the court and a ladder was brought out for the team to cut down the net.  The team did not win a championship but the celebration was on and 44 years of frustration was unleashed.

The students who don't have much experience in cheering now have team that is bound for the state playoffs.  The celebration was jubilant, it was a great time to be in the building, to share the moment, to bask in the joy.

The saying goes that infinite patience brings immediate results.  Maybe.

44 years is a long time to wait.

Thankfully, the wait is over.

Go Fords!

With Love,

Tom Kaufmann
Coach K

Thursday, February 20, 2014

The Wild Winter - Exercise

Here in Pennsylvania we've seen the most snow in recent history.  The neighbors snow blowers have been going non stop with over 60 inches of snow this winter.  One of the modern conveniences that I've resisted is a snow blower.

With the cold and snow, it's easy to hunker down and hibernate, so I use the snow as an excuse to go outside, get some fresh air and do a little exercise shoveling the snow.  Shoveling heavy snow can be a health risk, but when you take the necessary breaks, and take it slow it's a great way to get the blood flowing.

The cold fresh air is invigorating and shoveling the snow works the back, arms, and legs.  Today we have every modern convenience that limits our exercise, especially the TV.  So a little shoveling is a perfect opportunity to get outside, take in nature, admire the beautiful snow, and get that exercise.

A word of caution. Shoveling heavy snow can be strain on the heart, so please be sure to check with your doctor to make sure your fit enough to shovel.

Enjoy the snow.

Spring is around the corner.

With Love,

Tom Kaufmann
Coach K

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

The Silent Snow Poem

The snow falls
without a sound
I walk the road
in silence

flakes gently
brushing strokes of winter white

the world is quiet
if just for
a moment

time ceases

this is what
bliss feels like

snow purifies

snow transforms

snow is
